Board of Directors Approved 05/06/05
April 7, 2005

Present: French, King, Hughes, Williams, Steiner, Machado, Passalacqua, Young, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hotaling, Sullivan, Wilson
Guest: Tom Reckangel

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of March 3, 2005
Young motioned to approve, King seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
The report was accepted.
The golf pro shop scanner is defective. Sherman recorded the inventory items, and the cost of goods are in line.
Capozzo distributed a report showing a possibility on how to approach the 2005 budget. The Board liked the ease of understanding the report. French requested a yearly budget report shown by month in a graph form. There were various comments on how to increase revenue and not increase dues. There was a conversation on the philosophy of not co-mingling the Capital Improvement Funds with the Operational Funds. The treasurer's article in the monthly KEY will be a step to inform the membership on Club operations.

Tennis Blue Prints - Recknagel
The committee is requesting that the plans go out to bid to four or five contractors at the same time as the county receives the prints for a plan check.
The health department is agreeable with the location of the current septic tank
The outside of the remodeled tennis building will match our current buildings.
A key code system for access to the tennis courts is being researched.
Young motioned to approve the plans for county review, and to send them out to bid. Passalacqua seconded, the motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notation
Prospective Member: Doug & Karen Comeau. Young motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note to two Notice To Sell forms and one reduction in the selling price of a membership. The notices will be effective Friday, April 8, 2005.

Committee Reports
Green: The irrigation contract has been sent to Hydro-Engineering for signature. Once the signed contract is returned to the Club, Capozzo will have French sign and execute it.. The construction will then begin as soon as possible. The projected start date is April 15, 2005.
S.I.D. The work order is still under negotiations and not yet released. Wording and legal language for future water rates and long term water supply commitments are still being reviewed by the GVCC attorney. We will continue to use the current water system until the work order is finalized and the new system is completed.
Golf: Red Flag proposal. The objective of the proposal presented to the Board is intended to allow individuals with disabilities to play golf at GVCC. Disabled individuals may obtain a Red Flag from the Pro Shop. Only those individual approved by the Head Professional or his authorized representative qualify for a RED FLAG. Also listed in the proposal were certain course conditions that allowed for different access to the fairways. King motioned to approve the proposal, Machado seconded. The motion was amended to omit a portion of the code green specifications. The last two sentences in code green, beginning with the wording "red flags" to the end of the paragraph is to be omitted. Young seconded the amendment, the motion carried.
NCGA Markers: The correct placement of permanent markers is imperative in establishing an accurate course rating. This rating represents the basis for the handicap system. Permanent markers are to reflect an average placement of movable tee markers over time. A subcommittee has been formed to begin mapping of the tees and to make recommendations for the proper placement of the permanent tee markers.
Artificial Turf: The Board requested that the golf committee's recommendation for artificial turf to be fully evaluated for use on #13 tee, be forwarded to the green committee.
4th Tee Markers: Our Head Golf Professional is recommending a fourth set of tees on the course to better accommodate a wider variety of players and remove any gender stigma associated with any set of tees. The Board requested that the recommendations be forwarded to the green committee for evaluation.
House: A couch was purchased by the house committee for the men's card room with funds donated by a member.
Silent Auction: The house committee is requesting to hold a silent auction for the remaining paintings that were donated to the Club. They are also requesting that the money received from the auction be used toward painting the ceiling in the main lounge, more silk plants for the console tables in the Ballroom and appropriate fabric for the back of the piano and the piano bench. Williams motioned to approve, Steiner seconded. The motion carried.
Membership: In 2004 the membership committee placed an advertisement in the Bay Area Golfer Magazine without the approval of the Board of Directors. The Board was recently informed that the ad continues to run without approval. Young motioned to appointed Williams to write a letter to the Bay Area Golfer Magazine to cease the advertising of Green Valley Country Club. King seconded, the motion carried.
Prospective Member Wine & Hors d'oeuvre Event: The committee is requesting to have a prospective member wine & hors d'oeuvre event on June 5, 2005 with funds from the committee's budget. The Board approved the request. The committee further requested a one time discount on two or three sales by reducing the transfer fee between one and five thousand dollars. The discount would be applicable only to the applicant(s) who complete an application on the day of the event. The Board declined the discount request.
Committee Reports Continued
F&B: The committee requested to send a questionnaire survey on food and beverage to the membership. The committee also requested to include a note stating that the names of those who returned the survey would be placed in a lotto for a complimentary dinner of four. Young motioned to approve the survey request and to decline the lotto for a dinner. Hughes seconded, the motion carried.
B&G: Looking into replacing the gate at Country Club Drive. The Board would also like the committee involved in areas of decisions such as rebuilding or resurfacing the tennis courts.
Master Plan: Discussing the next ten year master plan. A list has not been prioritized.
By-Laws: The Board had no recommendations for by-law updates.
Finance: The committee is requesting approval to print the monthly calendar on the front page of an insert, and print the monthly financials on the back of that page. The back page of the KEY would be utilized as premium advertising space. There would be 6 equal size ads, the first choice going to current advertisers. The committee would also like to raise the price of ads inside the KEY by 20%, and to charge an additional premium of 25% above the new inside price for ads on the back page. The committee would like this to be in effect no later than July 1, 2005. King motioned to approve the increase as presented, Hughes seconded. The motion carried.

Old & New Business
Member Request: A member requested a dinner donation for a party of four from the Board for an auction hosted by the Vallejo Soroptomist's. The request was declined for lack of a motion.
Member Correspondence: A member letter requesting clarification of the 2004 operational deficit. Management will respond.
Website Update: A proposal from website designer, Betsy Lyon to upgrade our current website. The proposal was declined for lack of a motion. King motioned to maintain our present website, Young seconded. The motion failed. The Board would like to have Betsy Lyon give a presentation on her proposal.
Petition: The Board of Directors received a petition to hold a meeting to discuss the revision of the dress code and the state of food service. The Board will select a meeting date and notices will be mailed to the membership.

The meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary